Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tried to post the latest from the hotel, no go. Will try later after i find a broader bandwidth location.

Three Rivers Outside Sequoia

Sunday in Three Rivers outside Sequoia National Park,  Been here since yesterday.
Last night we found this Rodeo that's been held here since 1960's or something. Its the oldest Team Roping event in The US. We made some great friends, they were telling us all about the area and its attractions. Here are some photos
 Three Rivers, behind the Lazy J hotel, where we are staying.

 We had dinner at the River View Inn. This is on the deck. we were having adult beverages and some rafters went by.

 The Rodeo Arena.
New friends, Jackie is soooo shy.  That's Mike, Annie and Linda. Jackie of course, she was helping sell the raffle tickets and cowboy paraphernalia.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hi everyone, Jackie and I are going to the Getty in Los Angeles today to meet up with my daughter Nina and her husband Ming and my two grandchildren Gio and Eamon. Will take a lot of photos. Be back later.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Down day.

Another uneventful day today. I am updating my library for our trip to Sacramento. I have been gathering books from all kinds of sources in case I need to read some. I already downloaded a bunch of movies to my Ipad and flash fob on my keys. So I am ready for the inevitable down time when waiting for Jackie to get out of her meetings in Sacramento.

Although, this year she has signed me up for some classes. I need to study some of the marketing materials I have for her business. Hopefully, I can get some of this done while there as well.

Still packing the Jeep for the trip. Got a new set of portable chairs and an umbrella.  I found out today its going to be cold in Sequoia National park next week so will have to pack accordingly.

Going down to visit my sister in Menifee today.

Well have a great day.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Well, here we are on hump day and I finally got the drip system finished and all I have to do now is program the controller.

The post today is about our visit to Santa Barbara's Cold Spring Inn. This is an old Stage Coach stop from tha 1860's. Its off hwy 154 about 25 minutes outside Santa Barbara on the way to Solvang. We left early from Santa Barbara and got at the inn in time for breakfast. The food is amazing. Its really quaint inside the Inn and very homey. Service is great and there are a lot of photo ops.

We had a great time walking around the area. Lots of photo opprtunities.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Post delay

I am trying to adjust the size of the blog. we posted a new header photo and it is too big. I have asked Google for help with it. I am currently trying to get over a mild cold and I am also setting up a drip system for the yard so I will blog tomorrow.

Thank you for your indulgence


Monday, April 22, 2013

Wow, another magical week in Rich & Jackie land.

Jackie is off to work and I am tasked with installing a drip system in the yard today. Don't worry I am not going to bore you with details. We are also getting ready for our trip to Kings Canyon/Sequoia on Saturday.

Meanwhile, when we went to Monterey earlier this year we stopped at Elephant Seal Beach near San Simeon to check out why all the cars where packed into a parking lot. Now we know. The beach was full of Elephant seals. These things get to be 5000lbs when full grown. If you approach them they will hurt you. This is where they come to breed. If one of the seal pups gets separated from its mother it will die, because each mom will only suckle its own pup.
I am trying to upload a short movie of the seals using their flippers to scoop sand on their backs to keep cool.

The beach was covered with these seals. The guide told us they come every year. While we were there one of the young males tried to engage one of the females and the big bull went over and bit him. These things our huge and ugly.

Its interesting how I am uploading the video. We have 2 laptops and the one I am using this morning is Jackies and I am accessing the file on my laptop using WIFI. This is the most amazing technology.

I changed the layout of the blog a little bit, I hope you like it. I am trying to attract followers. So if you know anyone that might be interested in our travels ask them to follow us by email.

Till tomorrow.